
アンプラグド[unplugged]: 生楽器だけで演奏すること




In the 1970s a man named Noel Burch was working as a communications and leadership trainer. During the course of his work, he noticed that people tend to move through four stages of learning.


These four stages can be seen in acquiring many skills from learning to drive a car to learning English. When you understand them you can see where you are in the learning process and realise that everyone goes through, indeed has to go through, the same phases.


1. Unconscious incompetence - this means that you don’t know, what you don’t know, and is a state of ignorance about how and what you need to learn.
無意識的な無能 - 何が分からないかもわからない、何をどのようにして学ぶべきかを知らないということを意味し、無知の状態です。


2. Conscious incompetence - this is where you start to realise how and what you have to learn. It is daunting because at this point you become aware of how little skill you have. Learning requires a lot of effort and many, many mistakes.
意識的な無能 - 自分がどのように、何を学ばなければならないかに気付き始める段階です。この時点で自分のスキルがどれだけ低いかに気づくため、困難な道に感じられるでしょう。学習には多くの努力と多くの失敗が必要です。


3. Conscious competence - here you have started to gain some ability and you know what you still have to learn. You can use what you have learnt, but it still requires concentration and effort. You still make many mistakes.
意識的な有能 - この段階では、あなたはある程度の能力を獲得し始めており、さらに学ぶべきことが何であるかを知っています。学んだことを使うことはできますが、それにはまだ集中力と努力が必要です。まだまだ多くのミスもするでしょう。


4. Unconscious competence - by this stage you have absorbed the skill and the use of what you have learnt is automatic. It doesn’t require much concentration or effort.
無意識的な有能 - この段階までにスキルを吸収し、学んだことを自動的に使うことができるようになります。この段階になると、あまり集中や努力を必要としなくなります。


These phases work on a macro and a micro scale. This means it applies to the skill as a whole, but also to the particular sub skill you are working on.


The main thing to take away from this is to realise that the conscious incompetence phase is particularly hard and it is a place where a lot of people give up when learning English, particularly beginners. If you keep putting in the effort though, you will push through to a conscious competence and start to feel like you are making progress. Learning something is hard, but don’t let that stop you.







